
Showing posts from December 22, 2019


Divorce is far from being an uncommon occurrence in today’s world and most of the time we hear the same reasons again and again. Infidelity is a leading reason, as is “irreconcilable differences” which presumably means “we just don’t get along anymore.” Beyond the typical reasons, there are a host of reasons couples decide to go their separate ways and some of them are quite strange. Here are just a few of those.

Adams I. said;-


Ask Him 15 Of these.


The Rules Are Simple.

. Without Dreams We reach nothing. Without Love We feel nothing. Without God We are nothing.

YOU don’t need a reason to be HAPPY.

              Go ahead and be happy for no reason just like a child, if you are happy for a reason, one day it will be taking away from you. Life is like ridding a bicycle, you don’t fall off unless if you plan to stop peddling. Go

How many Nigerian known this?

The dot over a lowercase “i” or “j” is called a “tittle” Don’t wait to know and; If you wait until you're ready, you'll be waiting the rest of your life.

Result of Anger that doesn’t suit the moment of the outcome.

Nigeria Ethnic %.

Nigeria  is home to over 250 ethnic groups, with over 500 languages, and the variety of customs, and traditions among them gives the country great cultural diversity. The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa 27.4% Fulani 6.3% of the population; along with the Yoruba 21% and Igbo 14.1%. 

Two Great Things in a Relationship.

A great relationship is about two things:  1. Appreciations the similarities and  2. Respecting the differences. They told me I couldn't. They told me I wouldn't. They told me I shouldn't. That's why I WILL. That's why I AM. That's why I DID.